Module 6: Primary Sources
Have a close look at the following post card:
Copy text to workspace
the address to be written on this side
Dear Robbie
Having a great time
learning TEI. It is so much easier than
I thought with the help of TBE.
I hope to begin our hello from Henry! own
project soon.
Best Wishes
W. Shout
P.S. Hope to see you sooon
Robbie Morkel
Koningstraat 18
9000 Gent
Figure 1. A facsimile of a post card.
- Encode the text’s structures (note: both text and address could be considered separate text divisions).
- Indicate deletions and additions (note: the postscript, too can be considered a type of addition).
- Indicate substitutions.
- Document the different document hands.
- Complete the header: provide definitions for the document hands, document the encoding practice.